Winterball 2022 45

School & Jerred

Godolphin Sixth Boarding

Home to the Lower and Upper Sixth boarders, School and Jerred House are the centre of activity, learning and a lot of fun. Recently re-furbished, the single and double-occupancy studies are all different, and students can reflect their own individuality with their own decoration.

As a stepping stone to life after school, there is a kitchen where students can begin to learn to cook on a budget, bake birthday cakes for friends, or make pop corn for a film night in the communal sits. There is also a laundry room where students are able to wash their own clothes and bedding.

With the extra freedom offered to the Godolphin Sixth students, who can go into town during the day, visit the cinema or go out for a meal in the evening, comes the responsibility of careful time management – those essays and projects don’t just write themselves!

Laura Nicholson is Housemistress of Jerred House and Rebecca Blacknell Housemistress of School House; both are supported by Sarah Huff, Day Matron and Resident Tutors Jamie Powell (Jerred) and Shannon Flynn (School).

Godolphin Sixth Newsletters