Pastoral Tips
Parents often ask us for advice concerning different issues and worries parents may have around their child and adolescence.
Here are some useful tips including copies of presentations used in workshops, help sheets you can print off and links to useful websites. We also run a series of seminars and workshops for parents, so keep an eye out as they will be promoted on our website and via Connect.

Tips from Natasha Devon MBE
www.natashadevon.com/resources - Free downloadable resources including animated videos with BBC Bitesize, a social media activity sheet and a sample from my book for teenagers on motivation.
www.natashadevon.com/books - Download my recommended reading list here.
www.natashadevon.com/advice-support - Links to organisations who provide safe, evidence based and impartial information and support on a range of mental health issues.
Dr Thomas Curran on perfectionism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFG1b1-EsW8

We are delighted to announce Godolphin's partnership with child and adolescent mental health and wellbeing experts Teen Tips and their ‘Wellbeing Hub’, The Wellbeing Hub is an interactive online portal, designed to help you understand and meet your child’s social and emotional needs. We believe it will be an invaluable source of information and support for our whole school community. Teen Tip's Wellbeing Hub offers a wealth of support and resources for staff and pupils too. Features include:
Parenting Teens Audio & Video Courses; Resources including podcasts, articles and tips; Weekly Live Q&A with a Child & Adolescent Psychotherapist; Ask The Expert Q&A Service and more.
For further information and to register as a parent please follow this link.

From CWMT News, here is an article about Social media and teenagers- a practical approach.
Natasha Devon MBE is a guru in Mental Health and consults with a range of experts in the field of psychology, neuroscience, body image and mental health. She was also Mental Health Advisor to the Government. She has provided us with her Mental Health Reading List following her visit to the school.
#UKPastoralChat, Pastoral Periodic is a great source of information for practical ideas on and activity on parenting by professionals in this field.
Digital Awareness – Digital Awareness UK offers tips about what to do if your child feels they are being bullied and gives advice on how to keep them safe online.
HMC and Digital Awareness UK have produced Tech Control, a groundbreaking video on digital addiction which will form part of new classroom resources to help children to use digital devices responsibly.
NSPCC – the UK’s leading children’s charity, preventing abuse and helping those affected to recover. This website provides useful tips for parents that are concerned their child is being bullied.In partnership with O2, the NSPCC has launched a new aspect of their Share Aware campaign, supporting parents to help keep their children safe online. Share Aware gives straightforward, step- by-step advice to help teach children how to make the right decisions online, even when their parents aren’t there. The campaign aims to drive frequent and informed conversations between parents and their children around online safety. The NSPCC has also recently updated their Net Aware guide, site and app, providing parents and professionals with an overview of safety and age appropriateness of all the sites and apps that young people use.
Youngminds – the UK’s leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people. Driven by their experiences they campaign, research and influence policy and practice.
LawStuff is run by Coram Children’s Legal Centre, and provides free legal information to young people. If you have any concerns about your child or you would like more advice, please get in touch to contact me, or alternatively, Sister Dandy Brinning in the Health Centre.
Nicola Daubeney, Deputy Head Pastoral