The team
Jonathan Harris
Chemistry Technician
Exam Board: Edexcel
Why Study Chemistry?
Chemistry is fundamental to our world and has shaped everything around us. From medicines to fuels, from clothes to bio-degradable polymers, Chemistry is not only responsible for what we have now, but is also at the forefront of the research to improve things in every way. From nanowire development for solar cells to enzyme research to stop the premature deterioration of fruit, Chemistry is important in our push to identify and resolve so many of the problems facing us and our planet in the coming years. Studying Chemistry not only prepares you for the real world, allowing you to have a reasoned view of the main issues we face, but also gives you a qualification that is one of the most sought after in a CV when applying to a university. This is because it not only proves your ability to recall information, as many subjects do, but also that you can apply the concepts you have learnt to new situations and analyse data in order to come to valid conclusions. You gain life skills that are highly sought after by universities and employers alike, such as the ability to solve problems, complete practical work, synthesise information, link ideas and think logically. You learn when and where to use qualitative and quantitative methods, how to observe and record findings accurately and precisely as well as how to critically analyse and evaluate the methodology used in experimental and investigative activities.