Admissions Process
At the time of your visit, or upon request, you will be given a registration form to be returned to Corinna Florence, Director of Admissions, together with a copy of your child's birth certificate and a non-refundable registration fee of £120 (UK) £240 (International) for the Senior School and £60 for Godolphin Prep.
International applicants are also required to submit a copy of the photo page of their passport.
This places your child on the list for the proposed year of entry, but does not constitute an offer of a place at this stage.
Formal Offer and Acceptance of a Place:
UK and EU Countries:
Provided your child reaches the required standard in her Godolphin Assessment you will receive a formal offer of a place at Godolphin within two weeks of these examinations. At this time we ask you to complete and return a form of acceptance, together with a refundable acceptance fee of £1500 for the Senior School and £250 for Godolphin Prep. The acceptance fee will be refunded against your school bill during your child's final term at Godolphin.
Non-EU Countries:
Provided your child’s results fall within the School’s qualifying criteria, you will receive a formal offer of a place at Godolphin. At this time we ask you to complete and return a form of acceptance, together with one term’s fees in advance.
Admissions Policy:
Godolphin admits candidates through the Godolphin Assessment and the Scholarship process. We also admit candidates through our own papers in special circumstances (e.g. they have missed the Godolphin Assessments). As a member of HMC we administer the admissions process in accordance with their guidelines.
All prospective pupils must fulfil the School’s entrance criteria: i.e. they must show that they are likely to achieve success within the formal academic curriculum; while also finding time to develop other skills and interests. A candidate is therefore accepted on the understanding that the School is reasonably confident in its ability to educate and develop every pupil to the best of their potential in line with the general standards achieved by their peers. The expectation is that they will then have every chance of a complete, happy and successful career at School, and emerge as a confident, responsible and well educated adult, with a good prospect of a fulfilling life. Pupils are regularly assessed throughout their time at School to ensure that they continue to meet these criteria.
The School’s policy is to apply these criteria to all pupils and potential pupils regardless of any disability of which it is aware, subject to its obligation to make reasonable adjustments so that no disabled pupil or potential pupil is substantially disadvantaged compared to any pupil who is not disadvantaged. Please follow this link to view our Admissions Policy.