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Our cadets traded their camo for elegant dinner dresses at the CCF Dinner

Ccf Dinner 2022 106

Brightly polished medals were glinting around the Main Hall on Friday night at the CCF Military Dinner as the cadets traded their camo for elegant dinner dresses. Six OGs came back looking incredible in their mess kits and everyone chatted and laughed with a glass of Prosecco. Mr McDonald piped us into dinner and then later serenaded us from the balcony with his bagpipes. He was incredible and now we know how well he plays he’ll be in great demand!

The cadets read their Scottish poems like true Caledonians and Mr Jones addressed the haggis with vigour, a superb Scottish accent and a very sharp knife! Yorkie toasted the lassies (who gave him a tough time when he tried to claim the lads are better at science) and Izzy replied for the laddies with quick wit and eloquent insults.

Our guest speaker Captain Shiryn Millard-Hill, Royal Logistic Corps gave us an inspiring talk - she was enthusiastic, funny and friendly. Supper was delicious, starting with a haggis scotch egg, duck and then cranachan - all served with military precision and charm from the Fourth Years. Major Reavill was the Master of Ceremonies with a very dodgy Scottish accent and everyone went upstairs to continue chatting over the most enormous and tasty cheese tray.

It was an evening full of Godolphin girls, old and new, laughing over shared experiences and, of course, a great showcase for Godolphin CCF.

Hettie Dixon, Head Cadet

To see all of the photos from the evening follow the link to our photo gallery
