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Godolphin runners conquer challenging course at Bryanston!

Bryanston Photo

On Thursday 10 February Mr Pannell took a team of Intermediate and Junior girls to the Bryanston Relays. For those not accustomed to cross country relays, the event consists of teams of 3 (junior) or 4 (intermediate) girls who run a 2.4km lap, then tag their next runner….and so on until all runners have completed the course. Bryanston offered an interesting course, with some slight hills, mud, river paths and road all thrown in! The girls raced brilliantly, giving their absolute all and finished very respectably.

The intermediate girls came 7th and 10th but competed with only Third and Fourth Year runners as our Fifth Year runners were unwell. Other teams certainly had older runners and so the girls did very well. The individual times indicated that our top three intermediate girls finished 7th (Juliet L), 19th (Amelia W) and 26th (Jemima W) out of a field of 52 runners. Special mention should also go to Phoebe P and Anna W who both stepped up at late notice to run.

The Junior girls finished 7th and 16th out of 25 teams, with only two minutes separating first and seventh place! Our top three runners finished 7th (Imani P), 10th (Eva P) and 41st (Azadeh H) out of a field of 72 runners. The girls thoroughly enjoyed the event and did themselves and Godolphin proud.

Mr Sam Pannell, PE Teacher
