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Upper Sixth students surrounded by Westminster Abbey's stunning environment as they commemorate Elizabeth Godolphin

066 Godolphin Commem 9Th Nov2019 Photo By Ash Mills

On Saturday 9 November, the Upper Sixth went to London for 'Commem'. A service to commemorate the life of Elizabeth Godolphin in the Lady Chapel at Westminster Abbey.

We left for London early on Saturday morning, and once we arrived, we spent some of our time learning more about art, natural history or science at a few of the many London Museums and Art Gallaries. Later on in the day we all met at Westminster Abbey for the service. It was a stunning environment to be in and to celebrate our Foundress’s life together in.

A group of us sang 'A Gaelic Blessing' by John Rutter, it was a beautiful moment which I'm sure none of us will forget. The overall theme was about making our voices heard but also focused on remembrance. Elizabeth Godolphin faced a lot of adversity trying to build a school to educate girls but she made her voice heard. This was a notion that Dr Wood in her reflection urged us to continue to do and reflected on the times we had made our voices heard throughout the school years. There were some thoughtful readings about using your voice by Head Girl, Cecilia Lockyer, and Mrs Hattersley, Head. The service ended with a procession to the memorial of Elizabeth Godolphin, where Cecilia layed a wreath of roses.

Overall, It was a very lovely and enjoyable day that will definitely be remembered by all of us.

Photographs taken by Ash Mills can be found here.

Philippa Wellden, Upper Sixth
