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Godolphin Sixth Form inspired by artist Jenny Muncaster

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The enthusiastic, if slightly sleepy Sixth Form artists arrived at school on Sunday morning at 8:30AM, ready for an exciting workshop with artist Jenny Muncaster. Jenny is famous for creating painting’s and mixed work for the walls of restaurants run by Jamie Oliver and Raymond Blanc amongst others. Her multi layered images have led her to inspire others through her recent TV programme “The Artist in You!” seen on Amazon Prime.

During the day, Jenny showcased five of the numerous techniques she uses to create her fantastic paintings of food, drink and still life, with the art block abuzz with creativity as girls experimented using the materials and the processes they were shown. These included the use of the crystal pigment, Brusho, a material new to all of the art students that creates wonderfully bright explosions of colour, and the use of modelling paste on card to make interesting surfaces, shapes and patterns.

Sixth form art student Helen Eggleton said, “Girls were inspired by Jenny Muncaster’s striking use of colour and texture, adding amazing life and character to her pieces, and we loved how we were able to adapt her ideas and ways of working to own own individual projects.  It was great for us to be given the opportunity to work alongside an artist and to see her techniques at first hand, as this is something that gains us great marks at both AS and A2.”
