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An evening of glitz and glamour for Godolphin Sixth

Winterball 2022 139

Godolphin Sixth enjoyed an entertaining evening at their Winter Ball 2022 last Saturday. With a delicious meal and the fantastic live band, the evening was a night to remember. Huge thanks to the Winter Ball committee who put a huge amount of work into the event over the past month - it certainly paid off!

The theme for the evening was 'casino', with decorations including huge playing cards around the room. Guests arrived in the Main Hall and were served with pre-drinks before sitting down to a delicious three course meal. Curry of course!

It was so special to see Godolphin's Main Hall filled with people, with laughter and conversation. After dinner, guests joined together outside and lit sparklers - the perfect opportunity for our Marketing team to capture some great moments on camera! Our girls and their partners then came back into a completely clear room which had been transformed into a dance floor, complete with a live band.

Please follow this link to the Photo Gallery of the evening.

Beth W, Upper Sixth
